Friday, September 5, 2008

Sweet Itch Review 05/09/2008

This is the worse I've seen his back! I was shocked when I toke off the rug and it was over night!

His belly.... Poor baba

Itchy legs as you can see... The rug doesn't cover this part and ran outta fly spray so thats the only excuse I can give :(

Full mane no problems the top just isn't lying right because of the rug!

Little damage done to face only a little hair loss if you look closely.

This is the first to a series of weekly reviews of Vic's sweet itch progress. Firstly I need to apologise for the extent of his sweet itch at the moment! I had it completely under control until recently when some how (I'm thinking of pointing fingers at my sister's mare) he's scratched himself raw in a field with only electric fencing and beauty (my sisters mare) in it!! But I gave him a huge groom and toke off his rambo sweet itch hoodie and put on his boett which he hates btw (by the way). I also put aleo vera on his sores so hopefully that will help a little bit just to heal them. This is the worse his been all this summer definately but I don't think he got his bad last year but I could be wrong. This is the thing with sweet itch, people, one day you got a totally gorgorous horse the next a half raw one... even though you didn't change any techniques! I was also wondering if anyone would be interested in how I groom Vic because I found that the way I groom really helps get rid of all the itchiness for the day and helps you bond with your horse so much more. The grooming technique isn't a huge lot different from any other grooming technique but I'v added a few things to help the horse relax plus its very simple... so would anyone be interested??? By the way the products I'm using to try control the situation is benzyl benozate (sp?), aleo vera and avon so soft!

JustJas's Profile

Name: Amanda
Username: JustJas

Name Of Horse: Jazzmyn
Age: About 11
Breed: Arabian
Height: 15'1hh
Compete Or Not: Hope to start endurance next year.
How Long You Have Had The Horse: Bought 23rd October 1992
Areas Affected By Sweet Itch: Mane and tail
History Of The Horse: "I loaned her for a few months from July 2002. I found her on a IHDG. She had been badly abused and was needing a home to bring her on and break her. Jazz and I bonded at once so I took her on. Her sweeet itch flared up so she had to go back to her loaner. I said I would work her from her yard. Owner bought a stallion so I offered to buy Jazzmyn. She is now a happy and relaxed but a typical arab! This was her last October after a Summer in her Rambo rug."

The Beautiful Jazzmyn

Showing that sweet itch hoodies can be worn with style!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Hi guys! Sorry I havn't undated in ages... I hope I didn't leave ya's too lonely :( anyways I'm back now and ready to get more info back up.... I need for guinea pigs for reviews of rugs at the moment because thats what I am going to focus on for a little while! I want to find every rug on the market that has been used for sweet itch and find out your ratings out of ten so we can get an overall average for people who are at a loss or a newbie to SI (sweet itch). Saying that if a rug gets 9/10 from a review here it might not work to the same effect for a different horse because all sweet horses have a different reaction to the disease so its hard to find the best product for you and your horse that relieves him from the constant itch.